Uses of Class

Packages that use WODisplayGroup
net.wotonomy.web An implementation of the WebObjects framework. 

Uses of WODisplayGroup in net.wotonomy.web

Methods in net.wotonomy.web with parameters of type WODisplayGroup
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupCreateObjectFailed(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, net.wotonomy.control.EODataSource aDataSource)
          Called when the specified data source fails to create an object for the specified display group.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeDataSource(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup)
          Called after the specified display group's data source is changed.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeSelectedObjects(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup)
          Called after a change occurs in the specified display group's selected objects.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeSelection(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup)
          Called after the specified display group's selection has changed.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidDeleteObject(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.Object anObject)
          Called after the specified display group has deleted the specified object.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidFetchObjects(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.util.List anObjectList)
          Called after the specified display group has fetched the specified object list.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidInsertObject(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.Object anObject)
          Called after the specified display group has inserted the specified object into its internal object list.
 void WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidSetValueForObject(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.Object aValue, java.lang.Object anObject, java.lang.String aKey)
          Called after the specified display group has set the specified value for the specified object and key. WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDisplayArrayForObjects(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.util.List aList)
          Called by the specified display group to determine what objects should be displayed for the objects in the specified list.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldChangeSelection(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.util.List aSelectionList)
          Called by the specified display group before it attempts to change the selection.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldDeleteObject(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.Object anObject)
          Called by the specified display group before it attempts to delete the specified object.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldDisplayAlert(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.String aTitle, java.lang.String aMessage)
          Called by the specified display group before it attempts display the specified alert to the user.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldFetch(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup)
          Called by the specified display group before it attempts fetch objects.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldInsertObject(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, java.lang.Object anObject, int anIndex)
          Called by the specified display group before it attempts to insert the specified object.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldRedisplay(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, aNotification)
          Called by the specified display group when it receives the specified ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification.
 boolean WODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldRefetch(WODisplayGroup aDisplayGroup, aNotification)
          Called by the specified display group when it receives the specified InvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification.

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