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1   /*
2   Wotonomy: OpenStep design patterns for pure Java applications.
3   Copyright (C) 2000 Blacksmith, Inc.
5   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License along with this library; if not, see
17  */
19  package;
21  import java.util.*; //collections
23  /***
24  * A queue based implementation of the Map interface.  This class provides for
25  * all the opertions of a map, but keeps the entries in the same sequence as
26  * originally added.  The first entry placed in the map will be the first
27  * entry retreived during iteration: first-in, first-out (FIFO). <BR><BR>
28  *
29  * Keys cannot be duplicated.  If an entry is made using a key that already
30  * exists, the value for that key will be replaced with that new value.  There
31  * are no such restrictions on the values.  The values may be null.  <BR><BR>
32  *
33  * Some convenience methods are provided for the queue type operations.  The
34  * first key can be retreived as well as the last key.  A key can be used
35  * to retreive its corresponding value from the map.  A value can also be used
36  * to retreive its key from the map, however, since there may be multiple values
37  * of the same equality, the first key found will be returned. <BR><BR>
38  *
39  * @author
40  * @author
41  * @date $Date: 2006-02-18 22:41:36 +0000 (Sat, 18 Feb 2006) $
42  * @revision $Revision: 899 $
43  */
44  public class QueueMap implements Map
45  {
46      List values;
47      List keys;
48      Map keyToValue;
50  /***
51  * Creates an empty QueueMap.
52  */
53      public QueueMap()
54      {
55          values = new LinkedList();
56          keys = new LinkedList();
57          keyToValue = new HashMap();
58      }
60  /***
61  * Creates a QueueMap and places the entries from the passed in map into this map.
62  * The order of the entries is based on however the iterator iteratated through
63  * the map entries.
64  * @param t A map object.
65  */
66      public QueueMap( Map t )
67      {
68          values = new ArrayList();
69          keys = new ArrayList();
70          keyToValue = new HashMap();
72          putAll( t );
73      }
75  /***
76  * Removes all the entries from this map.
77  */
78      public void clear()
79      {
80          values.clear();
81          keys.clear();
82          keyToValue.clear();
83      }
85  /***
86  * Tests to see if the key is contained in the map.  If the key is present in
87  * the map, then TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned.  The equals()
88  * operation is used to determine equality.
89  * @return True if the map contains the given key, false otherwise.
90  */
91      public boolean containsKey( Object key )
92      {
93          return keyToValue.containsKey( key );
94      }
96  /***
97  * Tests to see if the value is contained in the map.  If the value is present in
98  * the map, then TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned.  The equals()
99  * operation is used to determine equality.  The value can be null and will
100 * return TRUE if null is a value in the map.  If TRUE is returned, then there
101 * may be more than one values in the map.
102 * @return True if the map contains the given value, false otherwise.
103 */
104     public boolean containsValue( Object value )
105     {
106         return keyToValue.containsValue( value );
107     }
109 /***
110 * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map.  Each element
111 * in the returned set is a <tt>Map.Entry</tt>.  The returned set is NOT backed
112 * by the map, so changes to the map are NOT reflected in the set, and vice-versa.
113 * The returned set is independent of this Map and its underlying structure.
114 *
115 * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
116 */
117     public Set entrySet()
118     {
119         Set result = new HashSet(keys.size(), 1F);
121         for ( int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++ )
122         {
123             result.add( new KeyValuePair( keys.get(i), values.get(i) ) );
124         }
126         return result;
127     }
129 /***
130 * Compares the specified object with this map for equality.  Returns
131 * <tt>true</tt> if the given object is also a map and the two Maps
132 * represent the same mappings.  More formally, two maps <tt>t1</tt> and
133 * <tt>t2</tt> represent the same mappings if
134 * <tt>t1.entrySet().equals(t2.entrySet())</tt>.  This ensures that the
135 * <tt>equals</tt> method works properly across different implementations
136 * of the <tt>Map</tt> interface.
137 *
138 * @param o object to be compared for equality with this map.
139 * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified object is equal to this map.
140 */
141     public boolean equals( Object o )
142     {
143         return keyToValue.equals( o );
144     }
146 /***
147 * Returns the corresponding value for the given key.  The returned value may be
148 * null as that is a legal value in this map.  However, if the key is not
149 * contained in this map then null is also returned.  Use the containsKey()
150 * method to distinguish between the two cases.
151 * @param key A key into the map.
152 * @return The value corresponding to the key (can be null), or null if the key
153 *         is not contained in the map.
154 */
155     public Object get( Object key )
156     {
157         return keyToValue.get( key );
158     }
160 /***
161 * Returns the hash code value for this map.  The hash code of a map
162 * is defined to be the sum of the hashCodes of each entry in the map's
163 * entrySet view.  This ensures that <tt>t1.equals(t2)</tt> implies
164 * that <tt>t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode()</tt> for any two maps
165 * <tt>t1</tt> and <tt>t2</tt>, as required by the general
166 * contract of Object.hashCode.
167 *
168 * @return the hash code value for this map.
169 */
170     public int hashCode()
171     {
172         return keyToValue.hashCode();
173     }
175 /***
176 * Returns true is this map contains no key-value mappings.
177 * @return True is this map contains no entries, false otherwise.
178 */
179     public boolean isEmpty()
180     {
181         return keyToValue.isEmpty();
182     }
184 /***
185 * Returns the keys used in the map. There is no order implied in the returned
186 * set and may be different than the the order in which they were inserted.
187 * @return A Set containing all the keys used in the map.
188 */
189     public Set keySet()
190     {
191         Set result = new HashSet(keys.size(), 1F);
193         for ( int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++ )
194         {
195             result.add( keys.get(i) );
196         }
198         return result;
199     }
201 /***
202 * Places the key/value entry into the map at the end position.  If the key
203 * already exists in the map, then its value is replaced by the new given
204 * value.  The mapping does not change order in this case.  The specified
205 * key cannot be null.
206 * @param key The key to place into the map, cannot be null.
207 * @param value The value to associate with the key, may be null.
208 * @return Null if the key is new, the replaced value if the key already
209 *         existed. (Note: If the key was null, then null is returned.)
210 */
211     public Object put( Object key, Object value )
212     {
213         if ( key == null ) return null;
215         if ( keys.contains( key ) )
216         {
217             values.remove( keys.indexOf( key ) );
218             values.add( keys.indexOf( key ), value );
219         }
220         else
221         {
222             values.add( value );
223             keys.add( key );
224         }
226         return keyToValue.put( key, value );
227     }
229 /***
230 * Places all the entries from this given map into this map.  If the keys
231 * already exist, then there values are replaced.
232 * @param t A map of key/value entries.
233 */
234     public void putAll( Map t )
235     {
236         if ( t == null )
237         {
238             // Nothing to do!
239             return;
240         }
242         // Place the entries from the passed in map into this map.
243         for ( Iterator it = t.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
244         {
245             Object aKey =;
246             put( aKey, t.get( aKey ) );
247         }
248     }
250 /***
251 * Remove the mapping of the key and associated value from this map.
252 * Note: null is a valid value in the map.
253 * @param key A key to remove from the map, cannot be null.
254 * @return The value of the removed mapping, null if the mapping did not exist.
255 *         Null could also be returned if the associated value of the key was null.
256 */
257     public Object remove( Object key )
258     {
259         if ( key == null ) return null;
261         Object value = null;
263         if ( containsKey( key ) )
264         {
265             value = keyToValue.remove( key );
266             int i = values.indexOf( value );
267             if ( i != -1 )
268             {
269                 keys.remove( i );
270                 values.remove( i );
271             }
272         }
274         return value;
275     }
277 /***
278 * Returns the number of key/value pairs in this map.
279 * @return The number of pairs.
280 */
281     public int size()
282     {
283         return values.size();
284     }
286 /***
287 * Returns an ordered list of keys from the map.  The order is the same
288 * as the added order of the mapped items.<br>
289 * NOTE: The returned list is the underlying keys list used by this class.
290 * If modification are to be made to this list, it should be cloned first.
291 * @return An ordered list of keys.
292 */
293     public List keys()
294     {
295         return keys;
296     }
298 /***
299 * Returns an ordered list of values from the map.  The order is the same
300 * as the added order of the mapped items.
301 * NOTE: The returned list is the underlying keys list used by this class.
302 * If modification are to be made to this list, it should be cloned first.
303 * @return An ordered list of values.
304 */
305     public Collection values()
306     {
307         return values;
308     }
310 /***
311 * Returns the corresponding value for the given key.  The returned value may be
312 * null as that is a legal value in this map.  However, if the key is not
313 * contained in this map then null is also returned.  Use the containsKey()
314 * method to distinguish between the two cases.
315 * @param key A key into the map.
316 * @return The value corresponding to the key (can be null), or null if the key
317 *         is not contained in the map.
318 */
319     public Object getValueForKey( Object key )
320     {
321         return keyToValue.get( key );
322     }
324 /***
325 * Returns the associated key for this value.  Since there may be more than one
326 * of the same value in the map, this returns the first key associated with this
327 * value. Null is returned if the value is not in the map.
328 * @param value A value that is contained in this map.
329 * @return A first key that corresponds to this value.
330 */
331     public Object getKeyForValue( Object value )
332     {
333         int i = values.indexOf( value );
334         if ( i != -1 )
335         {
336             return keys.get( i );
337         }
338         return null;
339     }
341 /***
342 * Returns the first key in the map.  If the map is empty, then null is
343 * returned.
344 * @return The first key in the map, null if there are no mappings.
345 */
346     public Object getFirstKey()
347     {
348         if ( keys.size() < 1 )
349         {
350             return null;
351         }
352         return keys.get(0);
353     }
355 /***
356 * Returns the last key in the map.  If the map is empty, then null is
357 * returned.
358 * @return The last key in the map, null if there are no mappings.
359 */
360     public Object getLastKey()
361     {
362         if ( keys.size() < 1 )
363         {
364             return null;
365         }
366         return keys.get( keys.size() -1 );
367     }
369 /***
370 * This class contains a key/value pair.  The key must be a valid object,
371 * it cannot be null.  The value can be a valid object or null.
372 */
373     static public class KeyValuePair implements Map.Entry
374     {
375         Object key;
376         Object value;
378     /***
379     * Default constructor.  The constructor takes the key and value as parameters.
380     * Since the key cannot be null, it must be specified during initialization.
381     * The value can be null.
382     * @param key The key object of this pair.  The key cannot be null.
383     * @param value The value object of this pair.  The value can be null.
384     */
385         public KeyValuePair( Object aKey, Object aValue )
386         {
387             key = aKey;
388             value = aValue;
389         }
391     /***
392     * Returns the key object of this pair.
393     * @return The key object.
394     */
395         public Object getKey()
396         {
397             return key;
398         }
400     /***
401     * Returns the the value object of this pair.  May be null.
402     * @return The value object.
403     */
404         public Object getValue()
405         {
406             return value;
407         }
409     /***
410     * Sets the value object of this pair.  May be an object or null.
411     * @param aValue The value object to place into this pair.
412     */
413         public Object setValue( Object aValue )
414         {
415             Object result = value;
416             value = aValue;
417             return result;
418         }
420         public boolean equals( Object o )
421         {
422             if ( o instanceof KeyValuePair )
423             {
424                 KeyValuePair p = (KeyValuePair) o;
425                 if ( ( key.equals( p.getKey() ) ) && ( value.equals( p.getValue() ) ) )
426                 {
427                     return true;
428                 }
429             }
430             return false;
431         }
432     }
434     /***
435      * Returns a string reprsentation of this class.  The contents of the
436      * map are placed in the string in its proper order.
437      */
438     public String toString()
439     {
440         int max = size() - 1;
441         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
443         buf.append("{");
444         for (int j = 0; j <= max; j++)
445         {
446             buf.append(keys.get(j) + "=" + values.get(j));
447             if (j < max)
448             {
449                 buf.append(", ");
450             }
451         }
452         buf.append("}");
454         return buf.toString();
455     }
457     // unit test
458     public static void main( String[] argv )
459     {
460         QueueMap qMap;
462         qMap = new QueueMap();
463         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
464         {
465             qMap.put(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
466         }
467         System.out.println("\nMap = " + qMap);
468         System.out.println("Keys = " + qMap.keys());
469         System.out.println("Values = " + qMap.values());
471         qMap = new QueueMap();
472         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
473         {
474             qMap.put(Integer.toString(i), "A");
475         }
476         System.out.println("\nMap = " + qMap);
477         System.out.println("Keys = " + qMap.keys());
478         System.out.println("Values = " + qMap.values());
480         qMap = new QueueMap();
481         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
482         {
483             qMap.put(Integer.toString(i), null);
484         }
485         System.out.println("\nMap = " + qMap);
486         System.out.println("Keys = " + qMap.keys());
487         System.out.println("Values = " + qMap.values());
489         Map aMap = new HashMap();
490         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
491         {
492             aMap.put(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
493         }
494         qMap = new QueueMap( aMap );
495         System.out.println("\nHashMap = " + aMap);
496         System.out.println("Map = " + qMap);
497         System.out.println("Keys = " + qMap.keys());
498         System.out.println("Values = " + qMap.values());
500         qMap = new QueueMap();
501         qMap.put( "Test1", "String1" );
502         qMap.put( "Test2", "String2" );
503         qMap.put( "Test3", "String3" );
504         qMap.put( "Test4", "String4" );
505         qMap.put( "Test5", "String5" );
506         System.out.println("\nStandard Test, Map = " + qMap);
507         qMap.put( "Test6", "String6" );
508         qMap.put( "Test7", "String7" );
509         System.out.println("Put New Test, Map = " + qMap);
510         qMap.put( "Test2", "New String2" );
511         qMap.put( "Test6", "New String6" );
512         System.out.println("Put Existing Test, Map = " + qMap);
513         qMap.put( "Test5", null );
514         qMap.put( "Test8", null );
515         System.out.println("Put Null Test, Map = " + qMap);
516         qMap.remove( "Test1" );
517         qMap.remove( "Test3" );
518         qMap.remove( "Test5" );
519         qMap.remove( "Test9" );
520         System.out.println("Remove Test, Map = " + qMap);
521         System.out.println("             Keys = " + qMap.keys());
522         System.out.println("             Values = " + qMap.values());
523         qMap.clear();
524         qMap.put( "Test10", "String10" );
525         qMap.put( "Test11", "String11" );
526         qMap.put( "Test12", "String12" );
527         System.out.println("Clear Test, Map = " + qMap);
529         aMap = new HashMap();
530         aMap.put( "Test10", "String10" );
531         aMap.put( "Test11", "String11" );
532         aMap.put( "Test12", "String12" );
533         System.out.println("Equality Test, Equal = " + qMap.equals( aMap ));
534     }
536 }