View Javadoc

2   package net.wotonomy.web;
4   import;
5   import;
6   import;
8   /***
9   * WOImage renders a dynamically generated IMG tag. The URL for the image SRC can be
10  * static, or it can be generated dynamically to return a NSData object (with a mime-type)
11  * or even return the contents of a file (not implemented yet).
12  *
13  * Bindings are:
14  * <UL><LI>src: A static URL for the image source.</li>
15  * <li>data: A NSData object with the image content. Must be used with mimeType.</li>
16  * <li>mimeType: The MIME type for the image data. Can be used with filename or data bindings.</li>
17  * <li>filename: The path to a file containing an image.</li>
18  * <li>framework: The optional framework from whence the image should be retrieved (used in conjunction with filename).</li>
19  *
20  * @author
21  * @author $Author: cgruber $
22  * @version $Revision: 905 $
23  */
24  public class WOImage extends WODynamicElement {
26      protected String src;
27      protected String filename;
28      protected String framework;
29      protected NSData data;
30      protected String mimeType;
32      protected WOImage() {
33          super();
34      }
36      public WOImage(String aName, NSDictionary aMap, WOElement template) {
37          super(aName, aMap, template);
38      }
40      public void setSrc(String value) {
41          src = value;
42      }
43      public String src() {
44          return src;
45      }
47      public void setFilename(String value) {
48          filename = value;
49      }
51      public String filename() {
52          return filename;
53      }
55      public void setFramework(String value) {
56          framework = value;
57      }
58      public String framework() {
59          return framework;
60      }
62      public void setData(NSData value) {
63          data = value;
64      }
65      public NSData data() {
66          return data;
67      }
69      public void setMimeType(String value) {
70          mimeType = value;
71      }
72      public String mimeType() {
73          return mimeType();
74      }
76      public String sourceURL(WOContext c) {
77          if (associations.objectForKey("src") != null)
78              return (String)valueForProperty("src", c.component());
79          if (associations.objectForKey("data") != null) {
80              return c.componentActionURL();
81          }
82          if (associations.objectForKey("filename") != null) {
83               WOComponent component = c.component();
85               String framework = stringForProperty("framework", component);
86               String filename = stringForProperty( "filename", component );
87               if ( filename != null && framework == null )
88               {
89                   if ( filename.startsWith("/" ) )
90                   {
91                       int i = filename.lastIndexOf( "/" );
92                       if ( i > 0 ) 
93                       {
94                           framework = filename.substring( 0, i );
95                           if ( i < filename.length() )
96                           {
97                               filename = filename.substring( i+1 );
98                           }
99                       }
100                  }
101                  else
102                  {
103                      // just until we figure out how we're handling bundles/localization
104                      framework = component.frameworkName();
105                      if ( framework != null )
106                      {
107                          framework = framework + '/' + + ".wo";
108                      }
109                      else
110                      {
111                          framework = '/' + + ".wo";
112                      }
113                  }
114              }
115              return WOApplication.application().resourceManager().urlForResourceNamed(
116                  filename, framework, c.request().browserLanguages(), c.request() ); 
117         }
118         return "NO SOURCE";
119     }
121     public void appendToResponse(WOResponse r, WOContext c) {
122         r.appendContentString("<IMG SRC=\"");
123         r.appendContentString(sourceURL(c));
124         r.appendContentString("\"");
125         r.appendContentString(additionalHTMLProperties(c.component(), new NSArray(new Object[]{
126             "src", "filename", "framework", "data", "mimeType" })));
127         r.appendContentString(">");
128     }
130     public WOActionResults invokeAction(WORequest r, WOContext c) {
131         if (c.senderID().equals(c.elementID())) {
132             Object data = valueForProperty("data", c.component());
133             if (data instanceof byte[]) data = new NSData( (byte[]) data );
134             if (data instanceof NSData) {
135                 String mt = stringForProperty("mimeType", c.component());
136                 if (mt == null)
137                 	throw new IllegalArgumentException("WOImage: No mimeType specified for data.");
138                 WOResponse img = new WOResponse();
139                 img.setContent((NSData)data);
140                 img.setHeader(mt, "content-type");
141                 return img;
142             } else if (filename() != null) {
143                 //will this thing use frameworks, or regular JAR files with resources? 
144                 //  mp: both/either, depending on which resource manager implementation 
145             }
146         }
147         return null;
148     }
150 }