Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurences |
@todo | 0 |
TODO | 34 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 34
net.wotonomy.access.EOAccessArrayFaultHandler | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 45 |
net.wotonomy.access.EOAccessFaultHandler | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 44 |
net.wotonomy.access.EOAccessGenericFaultHandler | Line |
Auto-generated method stub | 43 |
net.wotonomy.access.EOAdaptor | Line |
check that entity is not a prototypes entity | 130 |
net.wotonomy.access.EODatabaseChannel | Line |
refresh object (how?) | 75 |
net.wotonomy.access.EODatabaseContext | Line |
unregister channels | 112 |
Auto-generated method stub | 150 |
insert, delete, update | 159 |
Auto-generated method stub | 166 |
Auto-generated method stub | 220 |
check snapshots; eo could be a fault | 242 |
fire the fault an return the value | 416 |
net.wotonomy.access.EOModelGroup | Line |
read all frameworks and get models from them | 86 |
net.wotonomy.access.EOSQLExpression | Line |
format timestamps | 312 |
net.wotonomy.control.AbstractObjectStore | Line |
raw rows are not yet supported | 106 |
implement this | 208 |
Need a better return value? How to return invalidated list? | 282 |
Need a better return value? How to return invalidated list? | 288 |
Need a better return value? How to return invalidated list? | 294 |
implement this | 469 |
the ordering of operations here needs to be a lot more sophisticated. | 549 |
net.wotonomy.control.EOEditingContext | Line |
this should be NSUndoManager undoManager = new UndoManager(); | 195 |
not supported yet | 1258 |
not supported yet | 1769 |
net.wotonomy.control.EOKeyValueCodingSupport | Line |
may need to handle "." nesting here so that handleQueryWithUnboundKey gets called for for the nested object, not the parent object | 52 |
may need to handle "." nesting here so that handleTakeValueForUnboundKey gets called for for the nested object, not the parent object | 91 |
this currently just calls valueForKey | 137 |
this currently just calls takeValueForKey | 153 |
net.wotonomy.control.EOQualifier | Line |
implement this | 327 |
net.wotonomy.control.KeyValueCodingUtilities | Line |
get rid of this try/catch - exceptions should be fatal (?) | 103 |
get rid of this try/catch - exceptions should be fatal (?) | 189 |
net.wotonomy.control.ObservableArray | Line |
Test this logic. | 159 |
Test this logic. | 168 |
Test this logic. | 182 |