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1   /*
2   Wotonomy: OpenStep design patterns for pure Java applications.
3   Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Powers
5   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License along with this library; if not, see
17  */
18  package net.wotonomy.access;
20  import java.util.Enumeration;
22  import net.wotonomy.control.EOAndQualifier;
23  import net.wotonomy.control.EOFetchSpecification;
24  import net.wotonomy.control.EOKeyComparisonQualifier;
25  import net.wotonomy.control.EOKeyValueQualifier;
26  import net.wotonomy.control.EOOrQualifier;
27  import net.wotonomy.control.EOQualifier;
28  import net.wotonomy.control.EOSortOrdering;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
39  /***
40  * @author
41  * @author $Author: cgruber $
42  * @version $Revision: 894 $
43  */
44  public abstract class EOSQLExpression {
46  	public static final String BindVariableAttributeKey = "BindVariableAttribute";
47  	public static final String BindVariableColumnKey = "BindVariableColumn";
48  	public static final String BindVariableNameKey = "BindVariableName";
49  	public static final String BindVariablePlaceHolderKey = "BindVariablePlaceholder";
50  	public static final String BindVariableValueKey = "BindVariableValue";
51  	private static int UseBindings;
52  	private static final int _DefaultFormatSQLStringLength = 64;
53  	private static final int _DefaultListStringLength = 256;
54  	private static final int _DefaultOrderByStringLength = 128;
55  	private static final int _DefaultPathLength = 128;
56  	private static final int _DefaultTableListLength = 128;
57  	protected static final char[] _hexChars = new char[]{
58  		'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'
59  	};
60  	private static final int _ValueLengthLimit = 40;
61  	protected NSMutableDictionary _aliasesByRelationshipPath;
62  	protected NSMutableDictionary _aliasesByEntityName;
63  	protected NSMutableArray _bindings;
64  	protected NSMutableArray _contextStack;
65  	protected static NSTimestampFormatter _defaultDateFormatter;
66  	protected EOEntity _entity;
67  	protected StringBuffer _joinClauseString;
68  	protected StringBuffer _listString;
69  	protected StringBuffer _orderByString;
70  	protected String _statement;
71  	protected String _upperFunctionName;
72  	protected boolean _useAliases = true;
73  	protected static boolean _quoteExternalNames;
74  	protected StringBuffer _valueListString;
75  	protected String _whereClauseString;
77  	private EOSQLExpression() {
78  		super();
79  	}
81  	public EOSQLExpression(EOEntity entity) {
82  		super();
83  		_entity = entity;
84  	}
86  	public String _aliasForRelatedAttributeRelationshipPath(EOAttribute a, String path) {
87  		return null;
88  	}
90  	public String _aliasForRelationshipPath(String path) {
91  		return (String)_aliasesByRelationshipPath.objectForKey(path);
92  	}
94  	protected NSTimestampFormatter _defaultDateFormatter() {
95  		return _defaultDateFormatter;
96  	}
98  	protected StringBuffer _listString() {
99  		if (_listString == null)
100 			_listString = new StringBuffer();
101 		return _listString;
102 	}
104 	protected StringBuffer _orderByString() {
105 		if (_orderByString == null)
106 			_orderByString = new StringBuffer();
107 		return _orderByString;
108 	}
110 	public EOEntity _rootEntityForExpression() {
111 		return _entity;
112 	}
114 	public void _setEntity(EOEntity value) {
115 		_entity = value;
116 	}
118 	public String _sqlStringForJoinSemanticMatchSemantic(int semantic,int match) {
119 		return null;
120 	}
122 	protected String _stringForDate(NSTimestamp timestamp) {
123 		return null;
124 	}
126 	protected StringBuffer _valueList() {
127 		if (_valueListString == null)
128 			_valueListString = new StringBuffer();
129 		return _valueListString;
130 	}
132 	public void addBindVariableDictionary( NSDictionary dict ) {
133 	}
135 	/*** Adds the SQL to create the attribute to the attribute list.
136 	 * The appended text is of the form attr_name attr_type allow_null
137 	 * @param attr The attribute to create the SQL for.
138 	 */
139 	public void addCreateClauseForAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
140 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(attr.columnName());
141 		buf.append(' ');
142 		buf.append(columnTypeStringForAttribute(attr));
143 		buf.append(allowsNullClauseForConstraint(attr.allowsNull()));
144 		appendItemToListString(buf.toString(), _listString());
145 	}
147 	public void addInsertListAttribute(EOAttribute attr, Object o) {
148 	}
150 	public void addJoinClause(String left, String right, int semantic) {
151 		String s = assembleJoinClause(left, right, semantic);
152 		if (_joinClauseString == null)
153 			_joinClauseString = new StringBuffer();
154 		if (_joinClauseString.length() > 0)
155 			_joinClauseString.append(" AND ");
156 		_joinClauseString.append(s);
157 	}
159 	public void addOrderByAttributeOrdering(EOSortOrdering order) {
160 		String sql = sqlStringForAttributeNamed(order.key());
161 		if (order.selector().equals(EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveAscending) || order.selector().equals(EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveDescending))
162 			sql = "UPPER(" + sql + ")";
163 		if (order.selector().equals(EOSortOrdering.CompareCaseInsensitiveAscending) || order.selector().equals(EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending))
164 			sql += " ASC";
165 		else
166 			sql += " DESC";
167 		appendItemToListString(sql, _orderByString());
168 	}
170 	public void addSelectListAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
171 		appendItemToListString(formatSQLString(sqlStringForAttribute(attr), attr.readFormat()), _listString());
172 	}
174 	public void addUpdateListAttribute(EOAttribute attr, Object o) {
175 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(attr.columnName());
176 		buf.append('=');
177 		buf.append(formatSQLString(formatValueForAttribute(o, attr), attr.writeFormat()));
178 		appendItemToListString(buf.toString(), _listString());
179 	}
181 	public NSMutableDictionary aliasesByRelationshipPath() {
182 		if (_aliasesByRelationshipPath == null) {
183 			_aliasesByRelationshipPath = new NSMutableDictionary();
184 			if (!_useAliases)
185 				return _aliasesByRelationshipPath;
186 			_aliasesByRelationshipPath.setObjectForKey("t0", "");
187 		}
188 		return _aliasesByRelationshipPath;
189 	}
191 	public String allowsNullClauseForConstraint(boolean flag) {
192 		return flag ? "" : " NOT NULL";
193 	}
195 	public void appendItemToListString(String item, StringBuffer list) {
196 		if (list.length() > 0)
197 			list.append(", ");
198 		list.append(item);
199 	}
201 	public String assembleDeleteStatementWithQualifier(EOQualifier q, String tableList, String whereClause) {
202 		String s = "DELETE FROM " + tableList;
203 		if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0)
204 			s += " WHERE " + whereClause;
205 		return s;
206 	}
208 	public String assembleInsertStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row,
209 			String tableList, String columnList, String valueList) {
210 		String sql = "INSERT INTO " + tableList;
211 		if (columnList != null)
212 			sql += " (" + columnList + ")";
213 		sql += " VALUES " + valueList;
214 		return sql;
215 	}
217 	public String assembleJoinClause(String leftName, String rightName, int semantic) {
218 		String op = "=";
219 		if (semantic == EORelationship.LeftOuterJoin)
220 			op = "*=";
221 		else if (semantic == EORelationship.RightOuterJoin)
222 			op = "=*";
223 		return leftName + op + rightName;
224 	}
226 	public String assembleSelectStatementWithAttributes(NSArray attributes,
227 			boolean lock, EOQualifier q, NSArray fetchOrder, String selectString, String columnList,
228 			String tableList, String whereClause, String joinClause, String orderByClause, String lockClause) {
229 		String sql = selectString + " " + columnList + " FROM " + tableList;
230 		if (lockClause != null)
231 			sql += " " + lockClause;
232 		if (whereClause != null || joinClause != null)
233 			sql += " WHERE ";
234 		if (whereClause != null)
235 			sql += whereClause;
236 		if (whereClause != null && joinClause != null)
237 			sql += " AND ";
238 		if (joinClause != null)
239 			sql += joinClause;
240 		if (orderByClause != null)
241 			sql += " ORDER BY " + orderByClause;
242 		return sql;
243 	}
245 	public String assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier q, String tableList, String updateList, String whereClause) {
246 		String s = "UPDATE " + tableList + " SET " + updateList;
247 		if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() > 0)
248 			s += " WHERE " + whereClause;
249 		return s;
250 	}
252 	public NSArray bindVariableDictionaries() {
253 		return null;
254 	}
256 	public abstract NSMutableDictionary bindVariableDictionaryForAttribute(EOAttribute attr, Object o);
258 	public String columnTypeStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
259 		String x = attr.externalType();
260 		if (attr.precision() > 0) {
261 			x += " (" + attr.precision() + "," + attr.scale() + ")";
262 		} else if (attr.width() > 0) {
263 			x += " (" + attr.width() + ")";
264 		}
265 		return x;
266 	}
268 	public EOEntity entity() {
269 		return _entity;
270 	}
272 	public String externalNameQuoteCharacter() {
273 		return "\"";
274 	}
276 	public String formatSQLString(String value, String format) {
277 		if (format == null)
278 			return value;
279 		return value;
280 	}
282 	/***
283 	 * Returns the received string wrapped in single quotes,
284 	 * with any quotes or escape chars found inside it
285 	 * properly escaped.
286 	 * @param s The string to format.
287 	 */
288 	public String formatStringValue(String s) {
289 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(s);
290 		for (int i = buf.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
291 			if (buf.charAt(i) == sqlEscapeChar()) {
292 				buf.insert(i, sqlEscapeChar());
293 				i++;
294 			}
295 			if (buf.charAt(i) == '\'') {
296 				buf.insert(i, sqlEscapeChar());
297 				i++;
298 			}
299 		}
300 		buf.append('\'');
301 		buf.insert(0, '\'');
302 		return buf.toString();
303 	}
305 	public String formatValueForAttribute(Object value, EOAttribute attr) {
306 		if (value == null || value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue)
307 			return "NULL";
308 		if (value instanceof String)
309 			return formatStringValue((String)value);
310 		if (value instanceof Number)
311 			return sqlStringForNumber((Number)value);
312 		//TODO: format timestamps
313 		return value.toString();
314 	}
316 	public String joinClauseString() {
317 		if (_joinClauseString == null)
318 			return null;
319 		return _joinClauseString.toString();
320 	}
322 	public void joinExpression() {
323 		_joinClauseString = null;
324 		if (_aliasesByEntityName.count() > 1) {
325 		}
326 	}
328 	public String listString() {
329 		return _listString().toString();
330 	}
332 	public String lockClause() {
333 		return "";
334 	}
336 	public boolean mustUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
337 		return false;
338 	}
340 	public String orderByString() {
341 		if  (_orderByString == null)
342 			return null;
343 		return _orderByString.toString();
344 	}
346 	public void prepareConstraintStatementForRelationship(EORelationship rel, NSArray arr1, NSArray arr2) {
347 	}
349 	public void prepareDeleteExpressionForQualifier(EOQualifier q) {
350 		String where = null;
351 		setStatement(assembleDeleteStatementWithQualifier(q, _entity.externalName(), where));
352 	}
354 	public void prepareInsertExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary row) {
355 		StringBuffer cols = new StringBuffer("(");
356 		StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("(");
357 		Enumeration enumeration = row.keyEnumerator();
358 		while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
359 			String key = (String)enumeration.nextElement();
360 			EOAttribute a = _entity.attributeNamed(key);
361 			cols.append(a.columnName());
362 			values.append(formatValueForAttribute(row.objectForKey(key), a));
363 			if (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
364 				cols.append(", ");
365 				values.append(", ");
366 			}
367 		}
368 		cols.append(")");
369 		cols.append(")");
370 		setStatement(assembleInsertStatementWithRow(row, _entity.externalName(), cols.toString(), values.toString()));
371 	}
373 	public void prepareSelectExpressionWithAttributes(NSArray atts, boolean lock, EOFetchSpecification fspec) {
374 		_aliasesByRelationshipPath = new NSMutableDictionary();
375 		_aliasesByEntityName = new NSMutableDictionary();
376 		EOQualifier q = null;
377 		NSArray order = null;
378 		if (fspec != null) {
379 			q = fspec.qualifier();
380 			order = fspec.sortOrderings();
381 		}
382 		//Assemble the column list (this yields the alias list)
383 		for (int i = 0; i < atts.count(); i++)
384 			addSelectListAttribute((EOAttribute)atts.objectAtIndex(i));
385 		//assemble the where string
386 		if (q != null) {
387 			if (q instanceof EOQualifierSQLGeneration)
388 				setWhereClauseString(sqlStringForQualifier((EOQualifierSQLGeneration)q));
389 			else {
390 				EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support sup = EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(q.getClass());
391 				setWhereClauseString(sup.sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this));
392 			}
393 		}
394 		//assemble the join string
395 		joinExpression();
396 		//assemble the order by string
397 		if (order != null && order.count() > 0) {
398 			for (int i = 0; i < order.count(); i++) {
399 				EOSortOrdering so = (EOSortOrdering)order.objectAtIndex(i);
400 				addOrderByAttributeOrdering(so);
401 			}
402 		}
403 		//create the statement
404 		setStatement(assembleSelectStatementWithAttributes(atts, lock, q, order, "SELECT", listString(),
405 			tableListWithRootEntity(_entity), whereClauseString(), joinClauseString(), orderByString(), lockClause()));
406 	}
408 	/*** Build an UPDATE statement with the given information. */
409 	public void prepareUpdateExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier q) {
410 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
411 		Enumeration enumeration = row.keyEnumerator();
412 		while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
413 			String key = (String)enumeration.nextElement();
414 			EOAttribute a = _entity.attributeNamed(key);
415 			if (a == null)
416 				throw new EOGeneralAdaptorException("Cannot find attribute named " + key + " in entity " +;
417 			buf.append(a.columnName());
418 			buf.append('=');
419 			buf.append(formatValueForAttribute(row.objectForKey(key), a));
420 			if (enumeration.hasMoreElements())
421 				buf.append(", ");
422 		}
423 		if (q != null) {
424 			setWhereClauseString(sqlStringForQualifier(null));
425 		}
426 		setStatement(assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(row, q, _entity.externalName(), buf.toString(), whereClauseString()));
427 	}
429 	public void setStatement(String statement) {
430 		_statement = statement;
431 	}
433 	public String statement() {
434 		return _statement;
435 	}
437 	public void setUseAliases(boolean flag) {
438 		_useAliases = flag;
439 	}
441 	public boolean useAliases() {
442 		return _useAliases;
443 	}
445 	public void setUseBindVariables(boolean flag) {
446 	}
448 	public boolean useBindVariables() {
449 		return System.getProperty("EOAdaptorUseBindVariables", "false").equals("true");
450 	}
452 	/*** @deprecated Check externalNameQuoteCharacter instead. */
453 	public static void setUseQuotedExternalNames(boolean flag) {
454 		_quoteExternalNames = flag;
455 	}
456 	/*** @deprecated Use the instance method externalNameQuoteCharacter instead. */
457 	public static boolean useQuotedExternalNames() {
458 		return _quoteExternalNames;
459 	}
461 	public void setWhereClauseString(String clause) {
462 		_whereClauseString = clause;
463 	}
465 	public String whereClauseString() {
466 		return _whereClauseString;
467 	}
469 	public boolean shouldUseBindVariableForAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
470 		return false;
471 	}
473 	public char sqlEscapeChar() {
474 		return '//';
475 	}
477 	public String sqlPatternFromShellPattern(String pattern) {
478 		return sqlPatternFromShellPatternWithEscapeCharacter(pattern, sqlEscapeChar());
479 	}
481 	public String sqlPatternFromShellPatternWithEscapeCharacter(String pattern, char escape) {
482 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(pattern);
483 		int idx = 0;
484 		//escape all '%'
485 		do {
486 			idx = buf.indexOf("%");
487 			if (idx == 0)
488 				buf.insert(escape, 0);
489 			else if (idx > 0 && buf.charAt(idx-1) != escape)
490 				buf.insert(escape, idx);
491 		} while (idx >= 0);
492 		//escape all '_'
493 		do {
494 			idx = buf.indexOf("_");
495 			if (idx == 0)
496 				buf.insert(escape, 0);
497 			else if (idx > 0 && buf.charAt(idx-1) != escape)
498 				buf.insert(escape, idx);
499 		} while (idx >= 0);
500 		//substitute all '*'
501 		do {
502 			idx = buf.indexOf("*");
503 			if (idx >= 0)
504 				buf.replace(idx, idx+1, "%");
505 		} while (idx >= 0);
506 		//substitute all '?'
507 		do {
508 			idx = buf.indexOf("?");
509 			if (idx >= 0)
510 				buf.replace(idx, idx+1, "_");
511 		} while (idx >= 0);
512 		return buf.toString();
513 	}
515 	public String sqlStringForAttribute(EOAttribute attr) {
516 		if (_aliasesByEntityName == null)
517 			_aliasesByEntityName = new NSMutableDictionary();
518 		String alias = (String)_aliasesByEntityName.objectForKey(attr.entity().name());
519 		if (alias == null) {
520 			alias = "t" + (_aliasesByEntityName.count() + 1);
521 			_aliasesByEntityName.setObjectForKey(alias, attr.entity().name());
522 		}
523 		if (useAliases())
524 			return alias + "." + attr.columnName();
525 		else
526 			return attr.entity().externalName() + "." + attr.columnName();
527 	}
529 	public String sqlStringForAttributeNamed(String name) {
530 		if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
531 			return sqlStringForAttribute(_entity._attributeForPath(name));
532 		}
533 		return sqlStringForAttribute(_entity.attributeNamed(name));
535 	}
537 	/***
538 	 * Returns a string representing the path from the first
539 	 * relationship in the array to the last one.
540 	 * @param path An array of EORelationship objects.
541 	 * @return A string consisting of the names of the relationships
542 	 * separated by dots.
543 	 */
544 	public String sqlStringForAttributePath(NSArray path) {
545 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
546 		for (int i = 0; i < path.count(); i++) {
547 			EORelationship rel = (EORelationship)path.objectAtIndex(i);
548 			if (i > 0)
549 				buf.append('.');
550 			buf.append(;
551 		}
552 		return buf.toString();
553 	}
555 	public String sqlStringForCaseInsensitiveLike(String key, String value) {
556 		return "LOWER(" + key + ") LIKE LOWER(" + sqlPatternFromShellPattern(value) + ")";
557 	}
559 	public String sqlStringForConjoinedQualifiers(NSArray qualifiers) {
560 		EOAndQualifier q = new EOAndQualifier(qualifiers);
561 		return EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(EOAndQualifier.class).sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this);
562 	}
564 	public String sqlStringForData(NSData data) {
565 		byte[] b = data.bytes();
566 		char[] c = new char[b.length * 2];
567 		int pos = 0;
568 		for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
569 			int x = (b[i] & 0xf0) >> 4;
570 			c[pos++] = _hexChars[x];
571 			x = (b[i] & 0x0f);
572 			c[pos++] = _hexChars[x];
573 		}
574 		return new String(c);
575 	}
577 	public String sqlStringForDisjoinedQualifiers(NSArray qualifiers) {
578 		EOOrQualifier q = new EOOrQualifier(qualifiers);
579 		return EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(EOOrQualifier.class).sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this);
580 	}
582 	public String sqlStringForKeyComparisonQualifier(EOKeyComparisonQualifier q) {
583 		return EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(EOKeyComparisonQualifier.class).sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this);
584 	}
586 	public String sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier(EOKeyValueQualifier q) {
587 		return EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(EOKeyValueQualifier.class).sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this);
588 	}
590 	public String sqlStringForNegatedQualifier(EOQualifier q) {
591 		EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support sup = EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.supportForClass(q.getClass());
592 		String sql = sup.sqlStringForSQLExpression(q, this);
593 		return "NOT (" + sql + ")";
594 	}
596 	public static String sqlStringForNumber(Number number) {
597 		return number.toString();
598 	}
600 	public String sqlStringForQualifier(EOQualifierSQLGeneration sql) {
601 		return sql.sqlStringForSQLExpression(this);
602 	}
604 	public String sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(String name) {
605 		return name;
606 	}
608 	public String sqlStringForSelector(NSSelector sel, Object value) {
609 		if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual) {
610 			if (value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue)
611 				return " is ";
612 			return "=";
613 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual) {
614 			if (value == NSKeyValueCoding.NullValue)
615 				return " is not ";
616 			return "<>";
617 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThan) {
618 			return "<";
619 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThan) {
620 			return ">";
621 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo) {
622 			return "<=";
623 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo) {
624 			return ">=";
625 		} else if (sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorLike || sel == EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorCaseInsensitiveLike) {
626 			return " like ";
627 		}
628 		return;
629 	}
631 	public static String sqlStringForString(String s) {
632 		return s;
633 	}
635 	public String sqlStringForValue(Object value, String keyPath) {
636 		EOAttribute a = _entity._attributeForPath(keyPath);
637 		return formatValueForAttribute(value, a);
638 	}
640 	public String tableListWithRootEntity(EOEntity root) {
641 		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(root.externalName());
642 		if (useAliases()) {
643 			buf.append(" ");
644 			buf.append(_aliasesByEntityName.objectForKey(;
645 		}
646 		if (_aliasesByEntityName.count() > 0) {
647 			Enumeration enumeration = _aliasesByEntityName.keyEnumerator();
648 			while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
649 				String key = (String)enumeration.nextElement();
650 				if (!key.equals( {
651 					buf.append(", ");
652 					buf.append(key);
653 					if (useAliases())
654 						buf.append(_aliasesByEntityName.objectForKey(key));
655 				}
656 			}
657 		}
658 		return buf.toString();
659 	}
661 	public String toString() {
662 		return "<" + getClass().getName() + "> " + statement();
663 	}
665 	public String valueList() {
666 		return _valueList().toString();
667 	}
669 }
670 /*
671  * $Log$
672  * Revision 1.2  2006/02/16 16:47:14  cgruber
673  * Move some classes in to "internal" packages and re-work imports, etc.
674  *
675  * Also use UnsupportedOperationExceptions where appropriate, instead of WotonomyExceptions.
676  *
677  * Revision 1.1  2006/02/16 13:19:57  cgruber
678  * Check in all sources in eclipse-friendly maven-enabled packages.
679  *
680  * Revision 1.5  2005/05/11 15:21:53  cgruber
681  * Change enum to enumeration, since enum is now a keyword as of Java 5.0
682  *
683  * A few other comments in the code.
684  *
685  * Revision 1.4  2003/08/29 21:14:18  chochos
686  * fix the algorithm in formatStringValue.
687  *
688  * Revision 1.3  2003/08/14 02:12:32  chochos
689  * implemented use of (simple) qualifiers
690  *
691  * Revision 1.2  2003/08/13 22:59:39  chochos
692  * Can now generate simple one-entity select statements.
693  *
694  * Revision 1.1  2003/08/13 01:04:32  chochos
695  * the SQL generation classes. EOSQLExpression still needs a lot of work, but the factory is pretty much done.
696  *
697  */