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1   /*
2   Wotonomy: OpenStep design patterns for pure Java applications.
3   Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Powers
5   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License along with this library; if not, see
17  */
19  package net.wotonomy.control;
21  import java.util.List;
22  import java.util.Map;
24  import;
26  /***
27  * EOObjectStore defines an object repository that tracks
28  * object creations, deletions, and updates made by 
29  * EOEditingContexts. <br><br>
30  *
31  * A concrete implementation would probably write these 
32  * changes to some kind of persistent storage, like a
33  * database. <br><br>
34  *
35  * EOEditingContext is itself a subclass of EOObjectStore
36  * that requires an EOObjectStore parent for committing
37  * its changes.  This means that EOEditingContexts can
38  * use other EOEditingContexts as their parent, but there
39  * still must exist an EOObjectStore as the root of the 
40  * editing graph.
41  *
42  * @author
43  * @author $Author: cgruber $
44  * @version $Revision: 894 $
45  */
46  public abstract class EOObjectStore
47  {
48      /***
49      * Key for the user info of ObjectsChangedInStoreNotifications.
50      * The key should retrieve an array of deleted EOGlobalIDs.
51      */
52      public static final String DeletedKey = "deleted";
54      /***
55      * Key for the user info of ObjectsChangedInStoreNotifications.
56      * The key should retrieve an array of inserted EOGlobalIDs.
57      */
58      public static final String InsertedKey = "inserted";
60      /***
61      * Key for the user info of ObjectsChangedInStoreNotifications.
62      * The key should retrieve an array of updated EOGlobalIDs.
63      * EOEditingContexts should refault their copies of these objects.
64      */
65      public static final String UpdatedKey = "updated";
67      /***
68      * Key for the user info of ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification.
69      * The key should retrieve an array of EOGlobalIDs.
70      */
71      public static final String InvalidatedKey = "invalidated";
73      /***
74      * Key for the NSNotification posted when this object store
75      * is asked to invalidate all objects.  Object of the notification
76      * will be this object store, and user info will contain the
77      * InvalidatedKey.
78      */
79      public static final String 
80          InvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification = 
81          "EOInvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification";
83      /***
84      * Key for the NSNotification posted when this object store
85      * is changed.  Object of the notification will be this object 
86      * store, and user info will contain InsertedKey, UpdatedKey,
87      * DeletedKey, and InvalidatedKey.
88      */
89      public static final String  
90          ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification = 
91          "EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification";
93      /***
94      * Default constructor is responsible for initializing
95      * internal state.
96      */ 
97  	public EOObjectStore ()
98      {
99      }
101     /***
102     * Called by editing contexts when they no longer
103     * need to track the specified id.  You will not need
104     * to call this method, but you use use it for a hint
105     * that the specified global id is not in use by that
106     * child editing context.
107     */
108     public void editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID ( 
109         EOEditingContext aContext,
110         EOGlobalID aGlobalID )
111     {
112     }   
114     /***
115     * Returns a List of objects associated with the object 
116     * with the specified id for the specified property 
117     * relationship, or may return a placeholder array that
118     * will defer the fetch until accessed (an array fault).
119     * All objects must be registered the specified editing context.
120     * The specified relationship key must produce a result of
121     * type Collection for the source object or an exception is thrown.
122     */
123     public abstract NSArray arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID ( 
124         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
125         String aRelationship,
126         EOEditingContext aContext );
128     /***
129     * Returns the object for the specified id.
130     * The returned object may be a fault.
131     * The object will be registered in the
132     * specified editing context.
133     */
134     public abstract /*EOEnterpriseObject*/ Object faultForGlobalID ( 
135         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
136         EOEditingContext aContext );
138     /***
139     * Returns a fault representing an object of 
140     * the specified entity type with values from 
141     * the specified dictionary.  The fault should
142     * belong to the specified editing context.
143     */        
144     public abstract /*EOEnterpriseObject*/ Object faultForRawRow ( 
145         Map aDictionary,
146         String anEntityName,
147         EOEditingContext aContext );
149     /***
150     * Given a newly instantiated object, this method 
151     * initializes its properties to values appropriate
152     * for the specified id.  The object should already
153     * belong to the specified editing context.  
154     * This method is called to populate faults.
155     */        
156     public abstract void initializeObject ( 
157         /*EOEnterpriseObject*/ Object eo,
158         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
159         EOEditingContext aContext );
161     /***
162     * Remove all values from all objects in memory,
163     * turning them into faults, and posts an NSNotification
164     * that all objects have been invalidated.
165     * The notification should be named with the string
166     * constant InvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification
167     * with this object store as the object and no user info.
168     */
169     public abstract void invalidateAllObjects ();
171     /***
172     * Removes values with the specified ids from memory,
173     * turning them into faults, and posts a notification
174     * that those objects have been invalidated.
175     * The notification should be named with the string
176     * constant ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification
177     * with this object store as the object and user info
178     * containing a key named InvalidateKey that returns
179     * a List of the EOGlobalIDs of the invalidated objects.
180     */
181     public abstract void invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs ( 
182         List aList );
184     /***
185     * Returns whether the object corresponding to the
186     * specified id is locked.  The concept of object
187     * locking is implementation-specific.
188     */
189     public abstract boolean isObjectLockedWithGlobalID ( 
190         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
191         EOEditingContext aContext );
193     /***
194     * Locks the object corresponding to the
195     * specified id is locked.  The concept of object
196     * locking is implementation-specific.
197     * The lock may be released when objects are
198     * invalidated or commited, but this behavior
199     * is not required.
200     */
201     public abstract void lockObjectWithGlobalID ( 
202         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
203         EOEditingContext aContext );
205     /***
206     * Returns a List of objects associated with the object 
207     * with the specified id for the specified property 
208     * relationship.  This method may not return an array fault
209     * because array faults call this method to fetch on demand.
210     * All objects must be registered the specified editing context.
211     * The specified relationship key must produce a result of
212     * type Collection for the source object or an exception is thrown.
213     */
214     public abstract NSArray objectsForSourceGlobalID ( 
215         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
216         String aRelationship,
217         EOEditingContext aContext );
219     /***
220     * Returns a List of objects the meet the criteria of
221     * the supplied specification.  Faults are not allowed in the array.
222     * Each object is registered with the specified editing context.
223     * If any object is already fetched in the specified context, 
224     * it is not refetched and that object should be used in the array.
225     */
226     public abstract NSArray objectsWithFetchSpecification ( 
227         EOFetchSpecification aFetchSpec,
228         EOEditingContext aContext );
230     /***
231     * Removes all values from the specified object, 
232     * converting it into a fault for the specified id.
233     * New or deleted objects should not be refaulted.
234     */
235     public abstract void refaultObject ( 
236         Object anObject,
237         EOGlobalID aGlobalID,
238         EOEditingContext aContext );
240     /***
241     * Writes all changes in the specified editing context
242     * to the respository.  The object store is expected to
243     * post a notification that should be named with the string
244     * constant ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification
245     * with this object store as the object and user info
246     * containing keys named UpdatedKey, InsertedKey, and 
247     * DeletedKey that return Lists of the EOGlobalIDs of the 
248     * corresponding objects.
249     */
250     public abstract void saveChangesInEditingContext ( 
251         EOEditingContext aContext ); 
252 }
254 /*
255  * $Log$
256  * Revision 1.2  2006/02/16 16:47:14  cgruber
257  * Move some classes in to "internal" packages and re-work imports, etc.
258  *
259  * Also use UnsupportedOperationExceptions where appropriate, instead of WotonomyExceptions.
260  *
261  * Revision 1.1  2006/02/16 13:19:57  cgruber
262  * Check in all sources in eclipse-friendly maven-enabled packages.
263  *
264  * Revision 1.15  2003/12/18 15:37:38  mpowers
265  * Changes to retain ability to work with objects that don't necessarily
266  * implement EOEnterpriseObject.  I would still like to preserve this case
267  * for general usage, however the access package is free to assume that
268  * those objects will be EOs and cast appropriately.
269  *
270  * Revision 1.14  2003/08/19 01:53:12  chochos
271  * EOObjectStore had some incompatible return types (Object instead of EOEnterpriseObject, in fault methods mostly). It's internally consistent but I hope it doesn't break anything based on this, even though fault methods mostly throw exceptions for now.
272  *
273  * Revision 1.13  2002/02/13 21:20:15  mpowers
274  * Updated comments.
275  *
276  * Revision 1.12  2001/05/05 23:05:42  mpowers
277  * Implemented Array Faults.
278  *
279  * Revision 1.11  2001/02/21 21:17:32  mpowers
280  * Now retaining a reference to the recent changes observer.
281  * Better documented need to retain reference.
282  * Started implementing notifications.
283  *
284  * Revision 1.10  2001/02/16 22:51:29  mpowers
285  * Now deep-cloning objects passed between editing contexts.
286  *
287  * Revision 1.9  2001/02/16 18:34:19  mpowers
288  * Implementing nested contexts.
289  *
290  * Revision 1.8  2001/02/15 21:13:30  mpowers
291  * First draft implementation is complete.  Now on to debugging.
292  *
293  * Revision 1.7  2001/02/14 23:03:02  mpowers
294  * A near-complete first draft of EOEditingContext.
295  *
296  * Revision 1.6  2001/02/13 23:24:29  mpowers
297  * Implementing more of editing context.
298  *
299  * Revision 1.5  2001/02/12 20:36:36  mpowers
300  * Documented methods.
301  *
302  * Revision 1.4  2001/02/09 22:09:34  mpowers
303  * Completed implementation of EOObjectStore.
304  *
305  * Revision 1.3  2001/02/06 15:24:11  mpowers
306  * Widened parameters on abstract method to fix build.
307  *
308  * Revision 1.2  2001/02/06 14:57:42  mpowers
309  * Defined abstract methods.
310  *
311  * Revision  2000/12/21 15:46:42  mpowers
312  * Contributing wotonomy.
313  *
314  * Revision 1.2  2000/12/20 16:25:35  michael
315  * Added log to all files.
316  *
317  *
318  */