Package net.wotonomy.ui.swing

Contains associations designed for use with the Swing framework.


Class Summary
ActionAssociation ActionAssociation binds any ActionEvent broadcaster (typically Buttons and the like) to a display group.
AdjustableAssociation AdjustableAssociation binds any Adjustable component to a display group.
ButtonAssociation ButtonAssociation binds any component that uses a ButtonModel (all Swing button classes) to a display group.
ComboBoxAssociation ComboBoxAssociation binds JComboBoxes to display groups.
DateAssociation DateAssociation binds any component that has a set and get Date methods and fire actions events when the date has been changed.
DisplayGroupActionAssociation ActionAssociation binds any ActionEvent broadcaster (typically Buttons and the like) to a display group, but invokes actions directly on the bound display group rather than the selected objects.
DisplayGroupInspector The DisplayGroupInspector displays a JFrame that shows allows you to view and manipulate a display group.
DisplayGroupNode DisplayGroupNodes are used as nodes in the TreeModelAssociation's implementation of TreeModel, and is tightly coupled with TreeModelAssociation and MasterDetailAssociation.
ListAssociation TextAssociation binds a JList to a display group's list of displayable objects.
MutableDisplayGroupNode A DisplayGroupNode that exposes the MutableTreeNode interface.
NotificationInspector The NotificationInspector displays a JFrame that displays notifications as they occur.
RadioPanelAssociation RadioPanelAssociation binds RadioButtonPanels to display groups.
ReferenceInspector ReferenceInspector tracks objects until they are garbage collected.
SliderAssociation SliderAssociation binds a JSlider component to a display group.
TableAssociation TableAssociation binds one or more TableColumnAssociations to a display group.
TableColumnAssociation TableColumnAssociation binds a column of a JTable to a property of the elements of a display group.
TextAssociation TextAssociation binds JTextComponents and other objects with getText() and setText() methods to a display group.
TimedTextAssociation TimedTextAssociation works like TextAssociation, but instead of using a delayed event to update the model, it uses a timer so that the model is only updated if the user pauses typing for some short interval.
TreeAssociation TreeAssociation is a TreeModelAssociation further customized for JTrees.
TreeColumnAssociation TreeColumnAssociation is a TableColumnAssocation that works like a TreeAssociation, allowing any table to display hierarchical data in a tabular format.
TreeModelAssociation TreeModelAssociation binds a JTree or similar component that uses a TreeModel to a display group's list of displayable objects, each of which may have a list of child objects managed by another display group, and so on.

Package net.wotonomy.ui.swing Description

Contains associations designed for use with the Swing framework.

In general, most text components can use the TextAssociation, and most buttons, including checkboxes and radio buttons, can use the ButtonAssociation.

Tables are handled with the TableColumnAssociation by dealing with TableColumns that are later added to a table.

The TreeAssociation will handle any component that uses a TreeModel and a TreeSelectionModel.

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